Bootleg Fire update for Sunday, July 11, 2021

July 11, 2021

NOTE: An ODF Type 1 Incident Management Team has deployed to the Bootleg Fire and will be in unified command with the Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal and federal teams.

FIRE INFORMATION: 541-363-7765,


Facebook: SCOFMP Fire Info
Facebook: Northwest Incident Management Team 10
Facebook: Fremont-Winema NF

SIZE: 143,607 acres



CAUSE: Under Investigation


Hotshot crews 3

Type II Initial Attack Crews 6

Type II Crews 10

Engines 83

Dozers 6

Water Tenders 25


Helicopters 10

Data as of 7/11/21: Noon


The Bootleg Fire continues to burn on the Fremont-Winema National Forest and on private lands. Hot/dry weather and extremely dry fuels contribute to extreme fire behavior. Two Type 1 Teams are being added to manage the fire. A surge force of structure protection resources is also arriving.

Yesterday/Last Night: Firefighters, emergency managers and other public safety officials faced the fifth day in a row of extreme, intense fire behavior on the Bootleg Fire, as hot, dry, windy weather persists in the area. These conditions escalated in the afternoon, resulting in immediate, life-threatening risk to public and emergency responder safety.

Conditions were so extreme that firefighters needed to disengage and move to predetermined safety zones.  Fire managers evaluated conditions and looked for opportunities to reengage firefighters safely.

This extreme fire behavior resulted in approximately 4 miles of fire growth both to the east and north. The fire moved through Sycan Estates, crossed the East-West road, and burned about 8 additional miles along the high voltage powerline corridor (for a total of 12 miles). Damage to structures and infrastructure is being assessed; some structures have been lost. There have been no reported fatalities.

On the south west side of the fire, light winds and lighter fuel conditions allowed firefighters, structure protection teams, and air support to be successful in minimizing fire growth toward the south (communities of Klamath Forest Estates/Moccasin Hills, Tablelands). Western movement of the fire toward Chiloquin was also minimal.

Today: While firefighting and containment efforts continue through the day, fire managers are adding more crews to night shift because weather conditions are better for fighting the fire as well as for building containment lines.  Crews are also working on structural triage, defensible space and protection. Following yesterday’s significant fire growth, crews are scouting new locations for safe, effective primary and secondary containment lines around the entire fire perimeter. Aircraft (helicopters and fixed wing water and retardant drops) are being used to assist on-the-ground crews. However, flights will be grounded if any type of drone activity is spotted in the area.


Due to rapid fire movement, evacuation areas and levels are being updated as conditions change. The fastest way to find the latest information on evacuations is to subscribe to the Klamath County Sherriff’s office Emergency Alerts at: and/or use a phone to scan this QR code for a map of the fire and evacuation zones.   Evacuation Center: Klamath County Fairgrounds (in Klamath Falls), South 6th Street entrance only.

EVACUATION ORDERS AS OF 7/11/21 on 10:30 a.m.
Klamath County, north of the town of Beatty. East side of Godowa Springs Rd north of the OC and E Trail to the Klamath County Line. is under LEVEL 3 (GO NOW) Evacuation Notice.

Klamath County, near the town of Sprague River. Upper tableland area north of Oregon Pines Rd are under level 3 evacuation notice and need to leave immediately.

Level 2 (GET SET) Evacuation Notice
Klamath County, near the town of Sprague River. Klamath Forrest Estates/Moccasin Hills Area is under level 2 (GET SET) evacuation notice and need to be prepared to leave.

Level 2 (GET SET) Evacuation Notice
Klamath County, West side of Godowa Springs Rd, south of Oregon Pines Rd and Tableland rd. to the river is under level 2 (GET SET) evacuation notice and need to be prepared to leave.

Level 1 (BE READY) Evacuation Notice
Klamath County, Between Beatty and Bly 3 miles south of Highway 140 from Yellow Jacket Springs to Fishhole Creek is under Level 1 (BE READY) Evacuation Notice.

Level 1 (BE READY) Evacuation Notice
Klamath County, The area from the intersection of Sprague River Rd and Forbes Rd extending east to Godowa Springs and Yellow Jacket Springs and south of the Sprague River 4 miles is under Level 1 (BE READY) Evacuation Notice.

PUBLIC AND FIREFIGHTER SAFETY: There is a high potential for extreme fire behavior and movement on all sides of the fire.  The Klamath County Sheriff’s Office has begun to issue citations and will make arrests if necessary to keep people out of the level 3 evacuation areas. People have been advised to evacuate over the last several days, some have not listened and continue to travel within the restricted area. This violates the closure restrictions and interferes with firefighting and lifesaving efforts. Residents in Level 3 Evacuation Area PLEASE EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. There is a VERY high probability officers may not be able to get to you with additional warnings.

Watch for increased fire equipment traffic on area roads and highways.  Do not fly drones in the vicinity of the fire; drone activity will cause grounding of all airborne firefighting resources.

In-person fire information opportunities
Today, fire and county officials will be at the following sites to provide information and answer questions.  Because the team will make multiple stops, times listed are approximate.
• Sprague River Community Center, 1 – 1:30 p.m.
• Beatty Community Center, 1:45 – 2:15 p.m.
• Bly Community Center, 2:30 – 3 p.m.
• Paisley at 1032 West Street, 4:30 – 5 p.m.
• Summer Lake Lodge at 53460 Highway 31, 5:30 – 6 p.m

Fire information boards, updated daily, are located at:
• Chiloquin: Public Parking Lot
• Chiloquin: Crater Lake Junction Travel Center (KLA-MO-YA Casino)
• Beatty: Community Center
• Sprague River: Community Center
• Bly: Ranger District Office
• Bly: Breadwagon
• Klamath Falls: Klamath County Fairgrounds Red Cross Evacuation Center

SMOKE: Smoke is expected to continue to impact the local area. If you are sensitive to smoke, check air quality levels at

The Fremont-Winema National Forest is closed to the public in the area of the fire. See the updated map and the Emergency Fire Closure Order 06-02-21-03 on Inciweb (Google “Inciweb Bootleg Fire”) or on the forest’s website at
